MekTek again did a fine job on this mech, removing the missile arm and making it into a useful ballistic / energy arm. The Thanny XT no longer has the ‘big arm’ like its predecessor, but instead has two main arms with a 3-slot ballistic and a 2-slot energy in each. The torso remains untouched and is the same as the Thanatos housing a 2-slot ballistic in the left and a 2-slot energy in the right.
Jump Jets were removed from the XT version. It is my opinion that these were taken away to keep the Thanatos from becoming a shelf mech. All other electronics offered on the Thanny are offered on the XT version, still making for a fine package.
If you bump the speed to 75kph (the XT comes stock set at 63) and max out the ferro armour, you have 37tons of free weight to choose your load out from. This battlemech can hold 2 Gauss Rifles, 2 HVAC10s, or multiple 2-slot ballistics like the Lt Gauss, mini-gauss, AC10s, UAC5s, RACs and so on. The XT also has 3 2-slot energy making it capable of 3 large laser class weapons.
It is my opinion that MekTek altered the damage slots a little when they created this one, as it seems to take more damage than its jumping brother. I say, if you want to brawl, use the XT, if you want to jump, run and shoot with a big bang, use the standard Thanatos. That is not to say the XT version cannot pack some range or long-range configs, as it most certainly can.
If I remember correctly, when the XT 1st appeared on the scene, it did have jump jets. At that time, I believe the XT was the Inner Sphere Thor. It could take a couple of gauss rifles and a good laser with the ability to reach any spot on the map. Again, I feel the NBT League griped enough that MekTek took away the jumpies based on the fear of shelving the Thanatos standard. I really can’t argue the logic, but I personally think that both mechs would have seen time on the battlefield because the Thanny Standard would have seen the heavier weapons like the HVAC20 and Heavy Gauss along with missiles like the Arrow or a Heavy Rocket launcher.
The Thanatos XT defensively is somewhat tougher than the standard model. Again, it maybe that it has 2 arms to deal with so it appears to last longer, but I really think there were some slots adjusted making the mech a bit tougher. When fitted with spec armour and set up in a medium support role the Thanatos XT can dish out a lot of pain and it can takes lots of punishment in return.
It’s too bad the Thanatos XT does not have Jump Jets. It could quite possibly be my favourite mech. The 360 is gone, but this mech is another fine addition to the Inner Sphere arsenal.
Vettie’s View? I rate this mech at 3 to 3 ½ minutes. Average for its weight class. Jump Jets would take it up and possibly make it a complete counter to the Clan Thor. It is tough enough and it can do many things.
Thanny XT MP3
I reviewed the Thanatos XT shortly after it arrived on the scene. Since that time, MP3 was released and I really haven’t gone back to look at the differences, so today I will give you my review as if it were a new mech.
I remember being excited about the XT version before it was released. Rumour had it that the Thanny XT would be a true counter to the Clan Thor. Remember now, at that time, we had no Behemoths or Marauder IIs and the Thor was a (and still is somewhat) a dangerous threat on any battlefield, be it in the opens or league play. I had logged many hours in the driver seat of a standard Thanny and at the time, it was my preference for the IS Heavy Class. The XT would be the answer to losing ‘the arm’!! Well lets see what MP3 did.
From the factory, the XT comes with a speed of 63Kph (very slow for a heavy) loaded with LAMs and IFF Jammer. ECM is available to round out the electronics. The Jump Jets are gone. I am still guessing that the jets were removed to keep the standard Thanny in use. The XT has a variety of weaponry preloaded such as a LBX20, a LBX10, a RAC5 and 4 small lasers, The LBX20 and RAC5 both have extra ammo so it leads you to believe the Thanatos XT is a brawling mech. The armour is standard Ferro loaded to 13.5 tons (each critical area having .1 ton removed).
Stripping the weapons, adding ECM and filling the armour to 14.4 tons (completely full), with no engine upgrades leaves you 39.1 tons for weapons. Spending 3 tons gets you up to 75Kph and leaves you 36 tons for weapons. 75 Kph seems to be the optimal speed for the XT, at lease everything seems to work correctly at that speed. The frame work of the XT is still Endo Steel, so the engine upgrades wotn cost a lot in tonnage but you will gains some speed, however, once you start taking damage to the point of a slot going critical, the damage will spread internally like a nasty cancer.
The Slot layout did not change very much except the right torso. Instead of a 2-slot ballistic hardpoint, it is now a ‘direct fire’ hard point meaning it can hold either ballistic weapons or beam weapons. Personally, I think this is good, you can actually make a beam machine, with 4 large lasers, or 4 Large X-Pulse or 4 Large Pulse or even the dreaded 4 Large Continuous Beam Lasers, putting 1 in each arm and 1 in each torso. Four standard large lasers allows for 16 heat sinks or fewer if you wish another engine upgrade or two. Bumping the speed to 87 with 9 heat sinks and 4 large lasers still leaves you green on the heat scale (75%) and a very fast beam machine. (makes personal notes to try this config out)
The slots allow for many varied configs including 3 RAC2s and 2 Large lasers (with some minor armour shaving). The RACs will have double ammo and no heat sinks are needed with only 2 large lasers. This is a terror at 75kph. IT will rip the armour off any mech at 900 meters or less and the lasers hurt like hell at 650 meters. Brawlers will note that the XT can carry 2 LBX20s and still have room for other things (6 tons) while maintaining 75kph. Lowering the speed nets you more tonnage for more weapons. Medium or Large X Pulse lasers make great bawling weapons because they seem to melt away reactive armour like wax on a burning candle. They run hot, so Ol Vettie recommends 1 to 2 heat sinks for every 1 large X Pulse laser (at a minimum).
The Thanatos XT differs from its older jumping brother in that it seems tougher. I don’t know, but I am guessing that when MekTek designed the XT, they took a close look at the hit boxes and possibly tightened them up a wee bit. Again, that is purely my opinion and I have no facts to back that up, but the XT seems tougher and seems to withstand the fire a bit better than the Thanatos Standard. For those of you who prefer or want it even tougher, fill the armour with reactive, it holds 21.5 tons (completely full) and still yields 29 ton for weapons at 75kph with all electronics installed. Dropping the speed to 69 and removing the LAMs option, nets you 32.5 tons of fun for weapons.
As I mentioned, the arms both have 3 slot ballistic hardpoints. This allows you to mount many different weapons including standard gauss rifles, HVAC10s, AC20s, LBX20s, UAC20s, Long Toms, not to mention the AGL family of weapons. You can also mount single slot or dual slot weapons as well such as the RACs mentioned above.
The Thanny XT is a very tough mech. It holds up well and is very maneuverable. It has 360 torso twist, one thing I am glad they did keep from the Standard Thanny and it handles nicely. The higher the speeds, the better the performance, 75 or 81 KPH seem to be the sweet spots for this chassis.
At 63 KPH it seems sluggish. IF you need to start up in a hurry, this isn’t the mech. Backing up seemed quick enough, but its hard to tell unless you are pitted against a real opponent or several. Running, turning and twisting, the mech does fine and it climbs fairly well.
The Thanatos XT is a decent brawling machine for the heavy class. It holds up well for a bit and it can potentially deliver a devastating payload. It can also be a performer in a support role. In the 600 to 800 meter range it can pack a punch. As a sniper, it is grounded, but it can pack 3 Lt Gauss or 4 mini gauss or 3 HVAC5s or 3 RAC2s or 5 or 6 (if you squeeze it) HVAC2s. The ECM and IFF Jammer help to conceal it whereabouts and is very useful when the terrain is foggy and / or covered with trees.
I like this mech and it has some good slots and good slot layout. I rated it 3 to 3 ½ minutes before. I am going to upgrade that rating to 3 ½ to 4 minutes. The Thanatos XT has many uses and can fill many roles. As with any mech, you have to spends some time in the driver seat and get used to how it handles and what it can do for you. Try one, you might like it.
The ThanatosXT is a fun brawler. I plan to make it mech of the month soon. Dual UAc20 packs a whallop on this mech even though the cycle rate is awful. Hit and duck ... Wham!
ReplyDeleteI remember during beta on this mech it had jump jets. Finally, I thought, an IS Thor!! Too many thought the jumpies would shelve the regular Thanny and I guess I would have to agree.
ReplyDeleteAs it is, the XT is a good and fun mech and for some reason, it seems tougher than the standard Thanny.
I like the 3 HV5s and a LXP. Because of the ECM and IFF, you can stand off and chain fire this puppy and knock your enemy around something unbelievable. The damage is slow to build but it doesnt matter, they are reeling so bad they cant fire back.
Also GP, try a dual HV10 and a LXP sometime. Me thinks you will like!
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